Aloe as
Nature 意图

Forever Living 是全球最大的芦荟种植商和芦荟类产品制造商。 我们是专家,我们是 The Aloe Vera Company。
我们致力于寻求大自然的最佳健康和美容来源,并与世人分享。 在 Foreve,我们结合纯芦荟科学先进的天然原料,精心挑选以补充和加强芦荟的优势。


我们拥有芦荟生长在土地。 我们的芦荟是人工采摘、人工筛选的,可以精细地提取有效的内叶凝胶,为你提供最纯净的新鲜芦荟凝胶。 在收获小时内,经过灭菌处理后密封以保持新鲜。
在我们的整个生产过程中,我们每年进行 140 多万次质量检验,确保你可以享受芦荟的力量,就像自然之意。 请想象一下切开一片芦荟叶,使用从植物中直接提取的凝胶。
我们的芦荟产品是第一个获得国际芦荟科学协会的含量和纯度认可的产品。 优点包括支持健康的消化,促进健康的免疫系统,帮助维持自然的能量水平以及牙齿的健康和卫生。


Hey there! I’m Jeanith, your go-to advocate for health, wellness, and a life filled with possibilities. As a dedicated RN, I’ve seen firsthand how our health is deeply intertwined with what we consume and the products we use daily. It’s a simple truth I live by: good nutrition and choosing toxin-free skincare are not just choices; they’re necessities. Why? Because it all starts with the gut. Our wellbeing, our energy, our very essence flourish when we nurture our bodies right. But here’s where it gets even more exciting – imagine turning your phone into a tool that not just enhances your health but also your wallet. Yes, it’s totally possible! Whether you’re aiming to boost your energy, achieve that glowy skin, shed a few pounds, or even if you’re dreaming bigger – like earning enough to say goodbye to those utility bills, or even bigger, bidding your boss farewell to design a life filled with freedom and choice for you and your family. I’m here to tell you, it’s not just a dream. I believe in the power of opening our minds to what could be. The world is brimming with opportunities waiting to be seized. With the right guidance, support, and a dash of courage, there’s no limit to what we can achieve together. I’m here not just as your advocate, but as your guide, your supporter, and your friend on this journey. Let’s embark on this journey together. Because when we align our health goals with our life goals, the possibilities are truly endless. Let me be your guide to a healthier, wealthier, and happier you. Let’s make the impossible, possible.


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Purists will love Forever Aloe Vera Gel© made with 99.7% pure inner leaf aloe vera.

  • 不添加防腐剂
  • 支持健康的消化
  • 促进健康的免疫系统
  • 支持营养吸收
  • 有助于维持自然能量水平
  • 素食友好
  • 素食友好
  • 不含麸质


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